Virus and Spyware Removal
If your computer is infected with a virus or malware or is running really slowly our Virus Removal service will fully clean it up. Your computer will be back up and running without all those nasties getting in the way.
Is your device infected with a virus?
Viruses and spyware can cause all kinds of operational problems for computers. Is your computer running slowly? Does your computer seem to be cursed by error messages? Have friends complained about emails they received from you which you never sent?
These are all symptoms of viruses and spyware and may indicate your computer has one or more of either. Early detection and removal of malicious software is very important.
The sooner we remove them the greater the likelihood you won’t have any permanent damage to your files or even data loss. It can be a tricky process but we are experts. Here is what we will do to ensure your computer is no longer infected and your information safe.

Remove malware
Repair operating system caused by virus
Perform important operating system updates
Test operating system for proper functionality
Install or update internet security software
Steps to take to remove viruses and spyware
Provide malware removal service
We’ll run a virus scan and all malicious viruses and spyware on your computer will be completely removed. Hackers are getting smarter and this means that unfortunately sometimes your over the counter anti-virus software won’t catch it. Don’t worry- our technicians will find and remove all the nasties.
Fix any operating system issues caused by the virus
Malware can often create other problems with your computers operating system. It can cause problems such as the computer won’t turn on or a blue screen (known as “the blue screen of death”)
These issues will be repaired, making your system run smoother and better than before.
Perform critical operating system updates
If your computer has a virus it may not download important updates as it would normally. We will perform the necessary updates and ensure its up to date and running smoothly.
Test operating system for proper functionality
We will then test your computer to ensure it is properly functioning. This makes sure that it is running as intended. Any issues that may still be present will get handled by our experts
Install or update internet security software
It’s likely your computer got a virus from an email attachment or online. The best defense for this in the future is an up to date anti-virus software. We will check to see if you have anti-virus software installed, if you do we will make sure it is updated and if you don’t we will install it.